Human Ecology

Child Care Courses:

Intro to Infants and Toddlers 20SV (CC120SV)

This is the beginning of the Child Care Vocational diploma program. There will be 8 courses in total offered.
This course involves the study of development stages from birth to toddlerhood that are essential for the early childhood educator to provide children with a nurturing and stimulating environment. The principles, processes, and theories of development, birth and the newborn baby are discussed. The development of the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language domains and milestones reached through infancy and toddlerhood are the focus of this course.

Intro to Preschool Children 20SV (CC220SV)

This course involves the study of developmental stages during the preschool years (3-6) that are essential for the early childhood educator to provide children with a nurturing and stimulating environment.  The principles, processes, and theories of development are discussed.  The development of the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language domains and milestones reached through preschool are the focus of this course.

Children's Behaviour 30SV (CC130SV) - new course in 2021-22

This course will introduce students to the basic concepts of guidance and strategies early childhood educators employ to provide children with nurturing and respectful environment in which to grow.  Students will explore their own personal beliefs and values in regard to children’s behaviour.  Students will also be introduced to indirect and direct guiding techniques, the early childhood educator’s (ECE’s) role in guiding routines, daily activities, and in fostering development of a positive self-concept, indoors, and outdoors.

Child Care Techniques 30SV (CC230SV)

This course provides an overview of the field of early childhood education.  Students will be introduced to the profession of early childhood education as well as various types of early childhood settings.  Early learning program components, career options and the role and qualities of an early childhood educator will be explored.

Communication Skills 30SV (CC330SV)

Communication Skills will provide students with a general introduction to the theory and principles of interpersonal communication.  Students develop and practice skills to improve communication effectiveness.  These skills are important to learn when working in the Child Care Field so students can have clear, effective communication with children, students, colleagues, and administrators are essential for the success in educational settings. This course will demonstrate an understanding and practice of such basic components as process, perception, listening, responding, and non-verbal cues.

Family Dynamics and Child Abuse 40SV (CC340SV)

Early childhood educators must understand the significance of positive family relationships.  Early childhood educators will encounter all kinds of families in their work, and they must be able to value all children and families equally.  As the composition of families continues to change, the ability to understand and support their diversity, along with risks, and issues they may face is a critical skill for the early childhood educator. This course provides an opportunity to reach this understanding.

Curriculum Planning 40SV (CC240SV)

Learning to create play experiences based on children’s interests and development is taught in this course.  Students are introduced to the reasons why observing children for their interests directly relates to planning developmentally appropriate play experiences.  This course introduces students to the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating a rich play base curriculum for children.

Grade 12 Applied Family Studies (FSA40S)

This course prepares students for a caregiving role with infants, toddlers and children through the study of child development. The skills and knowledge are applied to a 40-hour practical experience with children where students will observe, guide behaviour, ensure health and safety, and participate in play-based learning experiences. This course provides the foundation for further study within the field of early childhood education and related careers.

The Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) program (Department of Families) may approve completion of the Grade 12 Applied Family Studies 40S as meeting the 40-hour post-secondary course requirement for Child Care Assistants.


Foods and Nutrition Courses:

Foods and Nutrition 10S (FDN10S) - Course fee $40
This course includes theory and lab work.  The course is an introduction to basic nutrition concepts, kitchen equipment and appliances, food preparation vocabulary and understanding recipes and measuring ingredients.  The students will be preparing food in mandatory group food labs which will develop skills in the planning and presentation of meals. Students will be required to complete a mandatory group practical skills project.

Foods and Nutrition 20S (FDN20S) - Course fee $40
This course will emphasize preparing students with skills that will become an integral part of everyday life.  Students will focus on the relationship between eating habits and good health.  The mandatory group food labs will allow students to apply management and decision-making skills to the purchase, preparation and storage of food.  Food portfolios will be done throughout the term. Students will be required to complete a mandatory group practical skills project.

Foods and Nutrition 30S (FDN30S) - Course fee $40
This course is a continuation of Foods 20S.  Students will gain an understanding of the principles of nutrition and the relationship of nutrition to health and well being. This program will teach skills that will enable students to make optimal use of the food dollar and practice meal planning throughout the mandatory group food labs. Personal, social and cultural aspects of food will be examined. Food portfolios will be done throughout the term. Students will be required to complete a mandatory individual practical skills project.

Food and Nutrition 40S (FDN40S) - Course fee $40
This course will prepare students to manage financial, human and environmental resources to meet their food needs.  Much of the emphasis is on student self-directed work.  Students will research a variety of nutritional topics related to society’s changing attitudes, health issues and to cultural aspects of food.  Food portfolios will be done throughout the term. Students will be required to complete a mandatory individual practical skills project.


Textile Arts & Design Courses:

Textile Arts & Design 10S (TEX10S) - Course fee $30
Students will learn basic clothing construction concepts and analyze the creative procedures in design. This knowledge will be applied to gain skills and experiences through practical application of creativity and design in a textile project of the student’s choice.  There will be a $10 fee for maintenance of machines and incidentals.

Textile Arts & Design 20S (TEX20S) - Course fee $30
Students will explore the messages various styles of clothing communicate wardrobe planning, and the clothing dollar and its efficient use.  There will be three practical projects.  There will be a $10 fee for maintenance of machines and incidentals.

Textile Arts & Design 30S (TEX30S) - Course fee $30
This course is a continuation of TEX20S. There will be an additional color design project. There will be a $10 fee for maintenance of machines and incidentals.

Textile Arts & Design 40G (TEX40S) - Course fee $30
This course is a continuation of TEX30S. There will be an additional interior design project. There will be a $10 fee for maintenance of machines and incidentals.

Division Notice

Trustee By-Election for Ward 3

The Portage la Prairie School Division is in search of someone to fill a School Trustee position in Ward 3 via a by-election.

Nomination begins August 7, 2024 and election day is September 18, 2024.

Individuals interested in standing for Trustee can find further details regarding ward boundaries, geographical location, requirements, and the process at this link.

Ward 3 Trustee By-Election Information