
Grade 9

English 10F  (ELA10F) - Required Course
This is a full-year foundation course that is required for all Grade 9 students.

Grade 10

English 20F  (ELA20F) - Required Course
This is a foundation course that is a prerequisite for your course of choice at the Grade 11 level.

Grade 11

Students must choose at least ONE English course at this level, but may choose up to three:

English Comprehensive 30S  (ENC30S)
The materials studied and produced will be in an even balance of literary (50%) and practical (50%) works to expose students to the full spectrum of language use.

English Literary Focus 30S  (ENL30S)
The material used includes novels, drama, poetry, and fact-based texts. Texts will be approximately 70% literary and 30% non-fiction. A variety of interpretations and responses are encouraged through engagement with literature.

English Transactional Focus 30S  (ENT30S)
The Transactional Focus emphasizes the pragmatic uses of language: language that informs, directs, persuades, plans, analyzes, argues, and explains. Texts will be approximately 70% non-fiction and 30% literary; work will involve a range of assignments from oral discussions to reports, essays, feature articles, formal presentations, business letters, and documentaries.

English Advanced Placement  (ENG32S) *Not currently offered
This course is offered to students who may study the Advanced Placement English program in Grade 12 (ENG42S). Students who demonstrate a strong interest in reading, discussion, and analysis of literature are encouraged to take this academically challenging course. English Lit 30S is recommended in addition to this course, but not required.

Grade 12

Students must choose at least ONE of the 3 CORE courses (Trans/Comp/Lit). Students wishing to attend university are strongly advised to take TWO Grade 12 ELA courses (any combination). 

English Comprehensive 40S  (ENC40S)

This course provides students with opportunities to explore and produce a broad range of texts from practical texts such as media and newspaper articles, to literary texts such as drama and poetry. This course will concentrate 50% on non-fiction and 50% on literary texts.

English Literary Focus  (ENL40S)
This course focuses on literary texts, but some of the course will involve practical texts as well. Texts will be approximately 70% literary and 30% non-fiction. The course encourages an in-depth exploration and enjoyment of literature and the development of language arts through literature. This course will prepare students for first-year university English courses, especially when combined with English AP 42S.

English Transactional Focus 40S (ENT40S)
The transactional focus emphasizes the pragmatic uses of language: language that informs, directs, persuades, plans, analyzes, argues, and explains. Texts will be approximately 70% non-fiction and 30% literary; work will involve a range of assignments from oral discussions to reports, essays, feature articles, formal presentations, business letters, and documentaries. 

Students wishing to attend university are strongly advised to take TWO Grade 12 English courses.  For this second credit, students may choose English AP42S or one of the other options, as above.

English Advanced Placement 42S  (ENG42S)
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their reading and writing skills in preparation for post-secondary studies. Students who are successful on the AP international exam may earn credit for first-year English at university.

*Strongly recommended prerequisite: English Literary Focus 40S

Division Notice

Trustee By-Election for Ward 3

The Portage la Prairie School Division is in search of someone to fill a School Trustee position in Ward 3 via a by-election.

Nomination begins August 7, 2024 and election day is September 18, 2024.

Individuals interested in standing for Trustee can find further details regarding ward boundaries, geographical location, requirements, and the process at this link.

Ward 3 Trustee By-Election Information