Staff Directory

Staff Directory

Administrative Assistants

placeholder image for Alana McAuley

Alana McAuley

Registration/Student Records

placeholder image for Melissa Murray

Melissa Murray


placeholder image for Robin Neufeld

Robin Neufeld


placeholder image for Angela Tait

Angela Tait

Administrative Assistant


placeholder image for Cam Asham

Cam Asham

Physical and Health Education

Photo of Jan Asham

Jan Asham


placeholder image for Denise Belinski

Denise Belinski


placeholder image for Sean Benedictson

Sean Benedictson

Automotive Technology

placeholder image for Scott Boychuk

Scott Boychuk


placeholder image for Brendon Brydges

Brendon Brydges

English Language Arts/Math

placeholder image for Derek Casper

Derek Casper

French Immersion/Physical and Health Education/Carpentry

placeholder image for Brina Clark

Brina Clark


placeholder image for Jo-Anne Clark-Gillespie

Jo-Anne Clark-Gillespie

Physical and Health Education/Athletic Director

Photo of Kaitlyn Coates

Kaitlyn Coates

English Language Arts/Social Studies

placeholder image for Shauna Cochrane-Thomson

Shauna Cochrane-Thomson

Physical and Health Education

placeholder image for Bert de Vries

Bert de Vries

Physical and Health Education

placeholder image for Jay Dewis

Jay Dewis

English Language Arts/Social Studies

placeholder image for Andrew Dornan

Andrew Dornan

Building Construction Technology

placeholder image for Jon Elliott

Jon Elliott

Automotive Technology

placeholder image for Tricia Elliott

Tricia Elliott

Foods & Nutrition

placeholder image for Pam Ellis

Pam Ellis

Senior Life-Skills

placeholder image for Tyler Emoff

Tyler Emoff

Math/Social Studies/Business

placeholder image for Mark Essay

Mark Essay

English Language Arts

placeholder image for Brett Geisel

Brett Geisel

Roving Campus

placeholder image for Lily Grant Smith

Lily Grant Smith

English Language Arts/Social Studies/Drama

placeholder image for Nicole Green

Nicole Green

Foods & Nutrition

Photo of Brenda Hinch

Brenda Hinch


placeholder image for Mike Hoekstra

Mike Hoekstra


placeholder image for Andrea Kalinowich

Andrea Kalinowich

Roving Campus

placeholder image for Katie Knowles

Katie Knowles


placeholder image for Albert Krynski

Albert Krynski


placeholder image for Leo Lanouette

Leo Lanouette

Automotive Technology

Photo of Pat McRae

Pat McRae


Photo of Paige Meikle

Paige Meikle

English Language Arts/Science

placeholder image for Corey Messner

Corey Messner


placeholder image for Chantal Murkin

Chantal Murkin

English Language Arts/Textiles

Photo of Jasmin Phipps

Jasmin Phipps


Photo of Shannon Prejet

Shannon Prejet


Photo of Carrie Rose

Carrie Rose

Early Childhood Education Teacher

placeholder image for Peter Saunders

Peter Saunders


placeholder image for Judy Saunders-McKay

Judy Saunders-McKay

Indigenous Studies/Beading

placeholder image for Adam Sevcenko

Adam Sevcenko

Social Studies/Photography

Photo of JoEllen Sevcenko

JoEllen Sevcenko


placeholder image for Trevor Shackleton

Trevor Shackleton


placeholder image for Maureen Shwaluk

Maureen Shwaluk

Physical and Health Education

placeholder image for Larry Smith

Larry Smith

Social Studies

Photo of Andrea Smith

Andrea Smith


Photo of Shane Sobkowich

Shane Sobkowich

Video Editing & Production

placeholder image for Daniel Solomon

Daniel Solomon

Computer Science/Math

Photo of Gavin Taylor

Gavin Taylor

Applied Commerce

placeholder image for Lisa Tessier

Lisa Tessier

French Immersion/English Language Arts

placeholder image for Brittany Thomson

Brittany Thomson


placeholder image for Connie Toney

Connie Toney


placeholder image for Janine Waines

Janine Waines


placeholder image for Joe Wermie

Joe Wermie

English Language Arts

placeholder image for Cullen Yeates

Cullen Yeates

French Immerson/Music

placeholder image for Alec Zebrun

Alec Zebrun

Roving Campus


Photo of Darin Arnold

Darin Arnold

Grade 10 Vice-Principal

Photo of Jody Budz

Jody Budz

Grade 11 Vice-Principal

placeholder image for Patrick Lacroix

Patrick Lacroix

Grade 10 & French Immersion Vice-Principal

Photo of Lawrence McKenzie

Lawrence McKenzie

Grade 12 Principal

placeholder image for Rob Pehura

Rob Pehura

Grade 9 Vice-Principal

Student Services

Photo of Marie Bertholet

Marie Bertholet

Grade 12 Guidance & Resource

Photo of Kellee Clifford-Bousquet

Kellee Clifford-Bousquet

Grade 11.5/Mature Student Program/Career Counsellor

placeholder image for Blair Hordeski

Blair Hordeski

Career Coordinator

Photo of Charlotte Mason

Charlotte Mason

Grade 9 Resource

Photo of Angela Mills

Angela Mills

Grade 11 Resource

Photo of Dana Pruden

Dana Pruden

Grade 11 Guidance & Counselling

placeholder image for Darren Reichert

Darren Reichert

Grade 10 Resource

Photo of Kim Tooth

Kim Tooth

Grade 9 Guidance & Counselling

Photo of Lori Wood

Lori Wood

Grade 10 Guidance & Counselling

Contact Staff Member

Division Notice

Trustee By-Election for Ward 3

The Portage la Prairie School Division is in search of someone to fill a School Trustee position in Ward 3 via a by-election.

Nomination begins August 7, 2024 and election day is September 18, 2024.

Individuals interested in standing for Trustee can find further details regarding ward boundaries, geographical location, requirements, and the process at this link.

Ward 3 Trustee By-Election Information