
Basic French & French Immersion Courses

Basic French (now known as French: Communication and Culture):

French: Communication and Culture (FRE 10F/20F/30S/40S)
This course is designed to build communication skills (speaking and writing) by interacting with current films, television, music, newspapers, and interviews as well as traditional sources such as textbooks and novels. This course is recommended for Basic French students. The goal of the French program is to expand the communication skills of the students and therefore their chance of social survival in a Francophone environment.

High school graduates who have continued their French: Communication and Culture studies through Grades 9-12 will receive a French Certificate of Merit from Canadian Parents for French.

French Immersion:

In order for a student to graduate with their French Immersion Diploma they must acquire a total of 14 credits at the following levels from courses taught in French:

*As of September 2024 students entering the French Immersion program in grade 9 will require a total of 15 credits taught in French to earn their French Immersion Diploma.

Minimum number of credits required at each grade level:

  •   Grade 9 - 4 Credits
  •   Grade 10 - 4 Credits
  •   Grade 11 - 4 Credits
  •   Grade 12 - 3 Credits

Grade 9 course descriptions:

In Grade 9, Français is taken all year long. 

Two Grade 9 credits - FRC10F and CDV10FF. Course descriptions are below.

Français (FRC10F)
This course provides students with an understanding of the written and spoken French language. They will develop their understanding of grammatical components and further develop their reading comprehension with the use of a variety of sources. This will be a required course for students hoping to obtain the French Immersion Diploma.

Vie-Travail - Exploration (CDV10FF)
Students increase their self-awareness and develop skills in personal management and career exploration while learning about their interests, skills, personality traits and values. *Grade 9 students take Français and Vie-Travail as 2 combined credits that run the entire school year with the same teacher for both courses. When successfully completed, the 2 credits will be awarded at the end of the 2nd semester*

In Grade 9, Math is taken all year long. 

Two Grade 9 credits - MTT10FF and MAT10FF. Course descriptions are below.

Mathématiques de Transition 10F (MTT10FF)
Grade 9 Transitional Mathematics is comprised of a series of units designed to address gaps in students’ mathematical understanding as they transition from Grade 8 to Grade 9 Mathematics.  Topics will include basic skills development on fractions, decimals, integers and working with rational numbers.  All of these skills will be worked on as students start the Math 10F course and work through Grade 9 outcomes all year long.
The curriculum for Grade 9 Transitional Mathematics allows students to earn an optional credit within Senior Years graduation requirements. Grade 9 Mathematics (MAT10F) will remain as the compulsory core credit for Grade 9 Mathematics.

Mathématiques 10F (MAT10FF)
This course is arranged by topics which will be used to help students become engaged in making connections among concepts and thus make mathematical experiences meaningful.  The focus of student learning should be on developing a conceptual and procedural understanding of mathematics.  Students’ conceptual understanding and procedural understanding must be directly related. Topics include: rational numbers, exponents, polynomials, algebra, linear relations, transformations, symmetry and surface area, circle properties, inequalities, probability and statistics.

Sciences Naturelles 10FF (SCI10FF)
This course exposes students to a broad perspective of science.  The areas of focus are: physics - The Nature of Electricity, biology - Reproduction, chemistry - Atoms and Elements, and earth/space science - Exploring the Universe.  Students will perform some laboratory investigations and will focus on lab safety.

Sciences Humaines 10FF (SST10FF)
This Social Studies course examines the past and present, and looks toward Canada's future. The course helps students acquire the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to become active democratic citizens and contributing members of their communities, locally, nationally, and globally. In so doing, the course is organized into 6 clusters: Profile of Canada, Human Rights, Living Together in Canada, Social Justice,  Government, and Canada and the World.

Éducation Physique (PED10FF)
This course is designed to provide students with planned and balanced programming to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for physically active and healthy lifestyles. The vision for our students is a physically active and healthy lifestyle for all. The course will focus on movement, fitness management, safety, personal and social management, and healthy lifestyles practices.

Innovations Commerciales (BUS10SFV)
Innovations Commerciales provides options for future planning in business/entrepreneurship, to promote effective business communication skills, to reinforce the importance of keeping accurate records, to analyze ethical situations, and to understand the concepts of international business and governmental influence on economies.

Grade 10 course descriptions:

Français (FRC20F)
This course provides students with an understanding of the written and spoken French language. They will develop their understanding of grammatical components and further develop their reading comprehension with the use of a variety of sources. This will be a required course for students hoping to obtain the French Immersion Diploma.

Sciences Naturelles 20FF (SCI20FF) - Required Course
This is a second general science course that expands on the four fields studied in Science 10F.  In this course the areas of focus are: physics - Motion, biology - Dynamics of Ecosystems, chemistry - Chemistry in Action, and earth science - Weather Dynamics.  As well, students will become even more familiar with lab work and lab safety.

Géographie 20FF (GEO20FF) - Geography
This Geography course offers a contemporary study of issues relevant to students and society. This course allows students the opportunity to see the interaction between their physical environment and human activities. In so doing, the course is organized into four major clusters: Geographic Literacy, Natural Resources, Food from the Land, and the Global Community. Within, each student will identify and analyze various current issues and offer potential solutions to these issues.

Éducation Physique (PED20FF)
This course is designed to provide students with planned and balanced programming to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for physically active and healthy lifestyles. The vision for our students is a physically active and healthy lifestyle for all. The course will focus on movement, fitness management, safety, personal and social management, and healthy lifestyles practices.

Grade 11 course descriptions:

Français (FRC30F)
This course provides students with an understanding of the written and spoken French language. They will develop their understanding of grammatical components and further develop their reading comprehension with the use of a variety of sources. This will be a required course for students hoping to obtain the French Immersion Diploma.

Leadership 21G (LDS21GF) - for French Immersion students only; taken in Grade 11
This course is designed to teach students skills in leadership, organization, social interaction, long and short term planning, and teamwork. The course provides an opportunity for students to practice and improve these skills in a school and community setting. The course involves 50 hours of time spent in class working as group leaders and teaching specific units. There is also a 50 hour practicum component where students perform leadership type activities outside of their normal classroom time.

L’Histoire du Canada (HIS30FF)
This History course examines Canadian historical events, policies, conflicts and people that have shaped our nation. Clusters of study include First People and Nouvelle France, British North America, Becoming a Sovereign Nation, Achievements and Challenges, and Defining Contemporary Canada. Students will link past events to current issues of today. Historical Thinking Concepts will be incorporated and students will have opportunities for inquiry-based learning.

Éducation Physique (PED30FF)
This course is designed to help students take greater ownership of their own physical fitness, to encourage students to seek out activities that interest them and to engage in active lifestyles for the future. Students will study topics related to fitness management, nutrition, personal & social development, and healthy relationships. As part of earning credit for this mandatory course, students will be physically active in different environments and will have the opportunity to participate in a number of physical activities; ranging from individual pursuits to team activities. Students will be graded for completion of the course with a Complete or Incomplete designation; no percentage grade will be given but certain requirements in the Activity and the Core components must be met to earn the credit.

Grade 12 course descriptions:

Français (FRC40F)
This course provides students with an understanding of the written and spoken French language. They will develop their understanding of grammatical components and further develop their reading comprehension with the use of a variety of sources. This will be a required course for students hoping to obtain the French Immersion Diploma.

Les Enjeux Mondiaux (GIS40SF)
The course deals with a wide variety of current events and issues such as globalization, human rights, the environment, poverty, and terrorism. Students examine the social, political, environmental, and economic impact of emerging issues - locally, nationally, and globally. Students are provided with opportunities to engage in inquiry-based learning. Instead of an exam, students organize an action project based on the issues studied throughout the course.

Éducation Physique (PED40FF)
This course is designed to help students take greater ownership of their own physical fitness, to encourage students to seek out activities that interest them and to engage in active lifestyles for the future. Students will study topics related to fitness management, nutrition, personal & social development, and healthy relationships. As part of earning credit for this mandatory course, students will be physically active in different environments and will have the opportunity to participate in a number of physical activities; ranging from individual pursuits to team activities. Students will be graded for completion of the course with a Complete or Incomplete designation; no percentage grade will be given but certain requirements in the Activity and the Core components must be met to earn the credit.